ok when a melburnian tells you this hipster shit has gone too fucking far it has, officially, gone too fucking far.
So how do you make fairy bread? Because I thought it was bread, butter and enough sprinkles to look like a pile of unicorn cocaine
it’s the cheapest, thinnest slices of the whitest bread you can get your hands on (preferably $1 loaf), enough margarine to make stuff stick to it, then a shitload of 100′s and 1000′s.
This is not a classy food. This is the finest of trashpanda, hungover college student three-year-old fare. And we damned well like it that way
“To make fairy bread, use a nice cultured butter (even better, make your own)”
what the fuck
no you don’t, you buy your cheapo fucking supermarket brand butter and then despair as you repeatedly tear holes in the slices of your 85c bread loaf while trying to spread it
(it’s easier if the bread has gone a little hard, nobody gives a shit about stale bread when they’re basically eating a mouthful of sugar)
“about 2 tablespoons per piece of toast” what the fuck it this shit? 1. that’s gonna taste awful. who wants that much butter? 2. toast? TOAST? that’s a completely different style of food. you don’t bloody toast the bread for fairy bread.