– from the Human Rights Campaign “Supporting and Caring for Our Bisexual Youth” PDF pages 12-13 [Link]
There are plenty of gay men and lesbians who think that the rainbow flag is only for them and doesn’t include bi people (or trans people but that’s not what you’re asking about right now and there are lesbians who don’t feel like the rainbow flag includes them either). There is nothing all encompassing about a community that has actively worked to exclude you.
The bisexual man who created the bi flag, Michael Page, specifically spoke about how bi people felt like they neither fit entirely in gay/lesbian communities nor straight communities when talking about the symbolism behind the bi flag. Since the bi flag was created in December 5, 1998, this attitude has not changed.
I sincerely believe that bi people can use both the bi flag and the rainbow flag, but there are people who believe that bi people are invading the LGBT community. This is why bi people make jokes about “what does the B in LGBT stand for, burglers” – if the rainbow flag is all encompassing then why do I still feel excluded from LGBT culture?
~when bi people get their mail delivered quickly, it’s known as biority (bi priority) mail~